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#8 Solo Review: Reaper Vault V2



A time-boxed security review of the Reaper Vault V2 protocol was done by Beirao, with a focus on the security aspects of the application's smart contracts implementation.


A smart contract security review can never verify the complete absence of vulnerabilities. This is a time, resource and expertise bound effort where I try to find as many vulnerabilities as possible. I can not guarantee 100% security after the review or even if the review will find any problems with your smart contracts. Subsequent security reviews, bug bounty programs and on-chain monitoring are strongly recommended.

About Beirao

I’m an independent smart contract security researcher. I extend my skills as a contractor specializing in EVM smart contracts security. If you're in need of robust code review, I'm here to help. We can get in touch via Twitter or Email.

About Reaper Vault V2

This security review is not intended to look at the entire system in detail, but focuses mainly on changes between 2 commits. (4839d407...c4ea7086)

Reaper Vault V2 is a vault similar to Yearn vaults. The goal is to generate yield through multiple strategies. These strategies are connected to the ReaperVaultV2 and can be added/removed/modified by the admin. Then the end user can simply deposit funds into the vault and earn a yield without having to worry about all the underlying strategies.

Severity classification

SeverityImpact: HighImpact: MediumImpact: Low
Likelihood: HighHighHighMedium
Likelihood: MediumHighMediumLow
Likelihood: LowMediumLowLow

Impact - the technical, economic and reputation damage of a successful attack

Likelihood - the chance that a particular vulnerability gets discovered and exploited

Severity - the overall criticality of the risk

Security Assessment Summary

review commit hash - c4ea7086

fixes review commit hash - 307bc13b


The following smart contracts were in scope of the audit: (total : 773 SLoC)

  • ReaperBaseStrategyv4.sol
  • ReaperSwapper.sol
  • mixins/
  • mixins/UniV2Mixin.sol
  • mixins/UniV3Mixin.sol
  • mixins/ThenaRamMixin.sol

Findings Summary

Summary :

  • 1 Medium
  • 2 Lows
  • 1 Improvement
[M-01]No protection of uninitialized implementation contracts from attackerack
[L-01]No retro compatibility with some past strategiesfix
[L-02]Lack of transparency in the implementation contract prior to an upgradeack

Detailed Findings

[M-01] No protection of uninitialized implementation contracts from attacker



When using upgradeable smart contracts, all interactions occur with the contract instance, not the underlying implementation contract.

A malicious actor sending transactions directly to the implementation contract does not pose a significant threat because changes made to the state of the implementation contract will not affect the contract instance as the implementation contract's storage is never used.

However, there is an exception to this rule. If a direct call to the implementation contract results in a self-destruct operation, the implementation contract will be eliminated, and all instances of your contract will delegate calls to a code-less address rendering all contract instances in the project inoperable.

Similarly, if the implementation contract contains a delegatecall() operation and is made to delegate a call to a malicious contract with a self-destruct function, the calling contract will also be destroyed.

Since ReaperBaseStrategyv4 is a base contract and we don't know exactly what will be built on it, I think this should be patch to prevent any mistake.


All contracts using UUPSUpgradeable should make sure that the contract implementation is initialized so no one can perform any upgrade and self-destruct the implementation contract itself.

Add _disableInitializers(); in the ReaperBaseStrategyv4 constructor:

constructor() initializer {

[L-01] No retro compatibility with some past strategies



The new implementation should be keeping the previous interfaces.

Past strategies may be using this interface for swapping: (here for UniV2 but same for others)

function swapUniV2(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount, MinAmountOutData memory _minAmountOutData, address _router, uint256 _deadline) public {}

But you have actually removed this interface causing a retro compatibility issue.


Should be from this: ReaperSwapper.sol#L141-L162

To this: (for UniV2, UniV3, Bal and TheRam)

function swapUniV2(
    address _from,
    address _to,
    uint256 _amount,
    MinAmountOutData memory _minAmountOutData,
    address _router,
    uint256 _deadline,
    bool _tryCatchActive
) public pullFromBefore(_from, _amount) pushFromAndToAfter(_from, _to) returns (uint256) {
    uint256 minAmountOut = _calculateMinAmountOut(_from, _to, _amount, _minAmountOutData);
    return _swapUniV2(_from, _to, _amount, minAmountOut, _router, _deadline, _tryCatchActive);

function swapUniV2(
    address _from,
    address _to,
    uint256 _amount,
    MinAmountOutData memory _minAmountOutData,
    address _router,
    uint256 _deadline,
) public pullFromBefore(_from, _amount) pushFromAndToAfter(_from, _to) returns (uint256) {
    uint256 minAmountOut = _calculateMinAmountOut(_from, _to, _amount, _minAmountOutData);
    return _swapUniV2(_from, _to, _amount, minAmountOut, _router, _deadline, true);

function swapUniV2(
    address _from,
    address _to,
    uint256 _amount,
    MinAmountOutData memory _minAmountOutData,
    address _router
) external returns (uint256) {
    return swapUniV2(_from, _to, _amount, _minAmountOutData, _router, block.timestamp, true);

By the way, you should also update ISwapperSwaps.sol accordingly.

[L-02] Lack of transparency in the implementation contract prior to an upgrade



Usually when there is a cooldown mechanism before an upgrade, it's to give the user time to review the upgrade and decide if they want to stay or leave the project.

Here, the initiateUpgradeCooldown() function does not ask for the next implementation, which means that users can't review the next implementation.


Create a new variable nextImplementation

Modify initiateUpgradeCooldown() like this:

function initiateUpgradeCooldown(address _nextImplementation) external {
		nextImplementation = _nextImplementation;
    upgradeProposalTime = block.timestamp;

And _authorizeUpgrade() like this:

function _authorizeUpgrade(address _nextImplementation) internal override {
        upgradeProposalTime + UPGRADE_TIMELOCK < block.timestamp, "Upgrade cooldown not initiated or still ongoing"
		require(nextImplementation == _nextImplementation, "Not the right implementation");

[I-01] Forgot to change the IVeloPair name
